Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Getting ready for UC Davis--Rough Sketch

Hi All,
I have the honor of giving the keynote at UC Davis' Trans Action Week this Nov 17.  I am working on what to say right now. :)

Speeches and keynotes are wonderful and challenging. I write something fresh for every occasion because the world is different, the times are different, and I am different. Words that might have been vital last year need to be replaced with new insights, new developments. I owe the audience my truth and my immediate presence. For now, what has driven me is twofold. First, how does one deal with bullying and a culture where compassion is equated with weakness? Second, how do we truly nurture each other, rather than simply use each other,  in our social and political activities?

So much to think about... And I so thank the people at UC Davis for letting me share. :)

PS--plus I probably will do a poem or two if they let me!